
TLI Transport and Logistics streamlined – Release 2 resources now available Resources to support the second release of the Transport and Logistics (TLI) streamlined units are now available for purchase....

79 streamlined resources to support your Transport and Logistics training Resources to support the first release of the Transport and Logistics (TLI) streamlined units are now available for purchase. We...

Are you ready for CHC / HLT streamlining? We have you covered with 280+ print and online resources now ready for purchase Resources to support the 3rd and final release...

By popular demand: The statistics per state for Transport and Logistics The release of the new Total Vet Activity data provides insight into emerging trends and qualification demands in Australia....

State based funding – the comprehensive list The growth in the delivery of Diploma qualifications has seen many RTOs abandon training centered on state based funding initiatives where, according to...

Growing demand for Transport and Logistics training The release of the new Total Vet Activity data provides great insight into emerging trends and qualification demands in Australia. One area that...

Deliver Diploma level training in 2016 The demand for higher level courses has grown in the last few years, with Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs now representing 15% of the...

Is your New Year resolution to provide more flexible training? Students are demanding greater flexibility in the way they learn. Whether you deliver face to face or distance training, the...

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2015 National Roadshow. We really appreciated you taking the time to attend and trust that you learnt something new about us and the...

Smart and Skilled – 2016 NSW Skills List now available The updated 2016 list contains 35 NEW subsided qualifications, 9 of which smallprint and Catapult eLearning support with learning and...

Make our resources as individual as your training. Edit, adapt and contextualise assessments online with our editable assessment tool. You can change assessments to suit the needs of your learners...

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