January 8 2016 – State based funding – a comprehensive list

State based funding – the comprehensive list

The growth in the delivery of Diploma qualifications has seen many RTOs abandon training centered on state based funding initiatives where, according to Victorian Skills Minister Steve Herbert, VET FEE-HELP was “skewing the entire training system”. He also stated that VET FEE-HELP was “having an impact on take-up rates and opportunities in the state systems below diploma level.”

This suggests that lower level state based funded qualifications are being underutilised. This is not surprising, as identifying available state funding can be both time consuming and confusing.  Each state is different; some states have wrapped their funding into broad programs, while others still have a variety of separate programs that are individually administered.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of the funding programs for each state that offers subsidies for accredited training. If there is something we’ve missed, be sure to to let us know so we can share this valuable information.