Ensure your resources are up to date The transition period to replacement qualifications has now ended for training packages. RTOs are now required to deliver training of qualifications from streamlined...
New Property Services resources now available for purchase We have released new resources for 25 units of competency that support the delivery of CPP30316 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations. The...
Learn how we can support your Skilling Queenslanders training The second round of funding for Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW), 2017–18 is now open and applications close on 14th September...
Resources to support Adult Community Education (ACE) training Community-based learning helps people build skills and confidence. It paves the way for formal education and training, volunteering or employment. We have...
Looking for ways to expand your training? Use our professional development resources to deliver non-accredited training. These engaging materials, designed to support existing training plans, are available as self-guided workbooks...
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry is now available for purchase at $10 per resource This is the White Card unit that supports development of the basic...
TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment In October 2017 the transition period for TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment will end. RTOs will then need to deliver training...
New BSB Advanced Diploma resources are now available We have released 12 units of competency (at $19 per resource) to cover the Advanced Diploma of Business, Advanced Diploma of Management...
Resources for supporting your Foundation Skills, basic education and pre-employment training Supporting jobseekers to overcome obstacles like a lack of confidence, poor interview techniques or a lack of appropriate workplace...
Streamlining. We have your resource needs covered. With Australia’s largest range of streamlined resources we have you covered for streamlined print and online resources. We have resources to support over...
We understand what TAFE needs We’ve developed a range of tools and services to ensure our resources meet your training requirements. Here’s an overview of how we can support your...