Deliver effective Foundation Skills Training
We have the largest range of resources from the Foundation Skills training package to support Foundation Skills (FSK) training.
These resources can be used when delivering Foundation Skills qualifications or used in combination with other training package resources to complement streamlined qualifications.
They support the development of basic reading, writing, numeracy, oral communication, learning and digital technology skills.
Learning support material, activities and mapping are included in each resource.Trainer assessor manuals and participant guides available in colour ($15) or black and white ($9).
Each resource is available online or in print for flexible delivery options.
Request a sample resource or purchase Foundation Skills now
Resources to support accredited Foundation Skills training.
40650SA Certificate I in Education and Skills Development
FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
FSK10213 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
View the full list of units of competency available and request a sample.
We also have a range of resources to support non accredited Basic Education and Pre-employment training.
Your career pathway
Everyday job search skills
Everyday learning skills
Everyday money skills
Everyday number skills
Everyday reading skills
Everyday skills for starting work
Everyday spatial skills
Everyday verbal communication skills
Everyday writing skills
Everyday skills for using digital technology at work
Everyday skills for using tables, graphs and charts
Write simple applications for employment
Prepare for job selection processes
Negotiate a learning plan
Assemble an assessment portfolio
Consolidate verbal/signed communication skills
Consolidate spatial skills
Consolidate number skills
Consolidate reading skills
Consolidate writing skills
Use online resources safely
Read texts independently
Write texts independently
Communicate effectively
Develop and implement a learning plan
Apply basic mathematical skills in consumer settings
Using basic mathematical operations
Planning a future career
Engage with a range of texts of some complexity for employment purposes
Becoming job ready
To find out how we can support your Foundation Skills training, please call
smallprint on 08 8275 9333 or
Catapult eLearning on 08 8275 9380