October 10 2014 – [NEW] Advanced Diploma of Management, the first in our text book range

Advanced Diploma resources

We are proud to introduce the first in our Advanced Diploma range.

To suit the level of study we are structuring these resources differently, and presenting learning content in a textbook with topics, rather than individual units of competency.

Our Advanced Diploma textbooks are supported by online assessments. Online assessments are accessed through Catapult eLearning.

Priced at:

  • $99.00 for textbook only
  • $198.00 for textbook and online assessments

BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management

The Advanced Diploma of Management textbook covers the topics of leadership, organisational development, change management, innovation and continuous improvement, business planning, strategic plans, HR strategies, controlling risks, finance, marketing and sustainability.

Learning content is provided for 11 units of competency, which are:

Core units

  • BSBINN601B Manage organisational change
  • BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation
  • BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans

Elective units

  • BSBFIM601A Manage finances
  • BSBHRM602B Manage human resources strategic planning
  • BSBMT608C Manage innovation and continuous improvement
  • BSBMGT615A Contribute to organisational development
  • BSBMGT617A Develop and implement a business plan
  • BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
  • BSBRSK501B Manage risk
  • BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Online assessment for the 11 units of competency includes assessment activities and an outline of the assessment requirements.

For more information please call us on (08) 8275 9300

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