Unique Student Identifier
On Thursday 19 June 2014, the Student Identifiers Bill 2014 successfully passed through the Australian Senate. The USI (Unique Student Identifier) scheme will now commence on 1 January 2015.
From 1 January students will be able to apply for their unique number and training providers will be supplying updated information to the national vocational education and training (VET) data collection. Transcripts of the data collected will be available in 2016.
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Indigenous Training Strategy
The QLD 2014-15 Indigenous Training Strategy Funding Applications – Round 1 are now open.
The Indigenous Training Strategy encourages equitable participation in training by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve improved employment and economic outcomes.
Eligible organisations are funded to deliver regional and community-based training projects that demonstrate a high likelihood of achieving meaningful and long-term employment and training outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants.
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