MySkills website update
MySkills has been updated to make the site easier to use.
New features include:
- courses linked to skills in demand in each state and territory
- overall student satisfaction and employment outcomes for the 230 most popular courses
- a VET FEE-HELP loan calculator to assist eligible consumers understand their potential future debt
- identification of sanctioned training providers
New Apprenticeship Network open
The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network came into effect on 1 July 2015. The network will help to recruit, train and retain more than 300,000 apprentices and trainees a year in more than 420 locations nationwide.
The network will provide:
- pre-commencement services to match apprentices with the right apprenticeship and employer
- in-training assistance and mentoring
- assistance for those who may be unsuited to an apprenticeship to identify an alternative pathway
Draft for Overseas Students Bills
The Australian Government has released exposure drafts of the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Streamlining Regulation) Bill 2015, and the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment (Streamlining Regulation) Bill 2015 (the Bills) for consultation.
Submissions are now being called for until 7 August 2015.
A submission template and details for submission are available at |