May 19 2015 – smallprint May 2015 newsletter

BSB, FNS and ICT streamlined Training Package resources

Our resources have been updated to the new streamlined IBSA training packages. BSB business services, FNS financial services and ICT information and communications technology resources are now available to order. Resources are available for 35 streamlined BSB Business Services qualifications, 8 streamlined FNS Financial Services qualifications and 3 streamlined Information and Communications Technology qualifications. Request a PDF sample of a streamlined unit of competency   Find out more about streamlining on our website and in our April blog post. The updated Training Packages are now available from

Blog post: Streamlined Training Packages – what to expect next?

2015 is set to be a busy year for Training Package development and conversions over to the new streamlined model. This month’s blog looks into what to expect next and provides links to Training Package revision schedules. Read blog now Contribute to the discussion on our LinkedIn page

New model for Training Product Development

On 21 April 2015, the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, announced the new model for Training Product Development for Australian Industry. The new model places industry at the centre of training product development through industry reference committees which will be overseen by the industry-led Australian Industry and Skills Committee. The Department of Education and Training will soon be inviting expressions of interest to set up Skills Service Organisations to support industry reference committees to engage with their industry sectors and facilitate training product development under the guidance of the committees. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a smooth transition to the new model which will be fully operational from January 2016.

FSK streamlined resources now available

Resources are now available for the FSK Foundation Skills Training Package. Units of competency for the following qualifications are available:
  • FSK10113  Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
  • FSK10213  Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
  • FSK20113  Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
To aide your Foundation Skills training IBSA have released the FSK Foundation Skills Training Package User Guide. The User Guide is designed to assist assessors, trainers, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and enterprises to deliver the qualifications and units within the FSK Foundation Skills Training Package. Download the User Guide here

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network launched

On 27 April 2015, the Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, announced the successful organisations that will form the new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN). Organisation in the AASN will replace existing Australian Apprenticeships Centres on 1 July 2015. The AASN introduces innovative new targeted services which will deliver tailored advice and support to Australian Apprentices and employers who need additional assistance prior to sign-up and in-training. $200 million will be invested annually by the Australian Government to support the AASN.

Vocational Education and Training Advisory Board appointment

In April 2015, the Hon Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training appointed Mr Paul Edginton to the Vocational Education and Training Advisory Board. Mr Edginton has been the Chief Executive Officer of SYC Limited since 2004 and is a Board Member of White Ribbon Australia. From 2005 to 2008 Paul Edginton served as a CEO Roundtable Member for the Minister for Employment & Workplace Relations and from 2012 to 2014 was Chairman of the Playford Local Advisory Group for the Minister for Human Services. Mr Edginton has qualifications in communications and management. Other board members are John Hart (Chair), Tara Diamond and Dominique Fisher.

Education and Training 2015 Budget

What does this budget mean for Education and Training? Some key points:
  • Continuation of the Industry Skills Fund that provides $664 over five years
  • $18.2 million to VET FEE HELP reforms
  • $68 million in increased funding for the Australian Skills Quality Authority
Take part in a complimentary webinar hosted by Velg Training, presented by Sharon Bird, Shadow Minister for Vocational Education & Training. Tuesday 19 May 2015 2:00-3:00pm AEST Register to attend

CS&HISC Environmental Scan

The Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC) released the 2015 Environmental Scan (EScan) on 4 May 2015. EScan 2015: Building a Healthy Future explores the impact of changes in the policy and service context on the community services and health workforce. Information in the EScan was drawn from stakeholder feedback as well as the latest industry relevant research and data. The report was shaped by industry intelligence provided through written submissions, interviews, stakeholder discussions and 530 responses to an online survey.

Staying connected in VET eZine

May 2015, Volume 4, out now. The fourth edition of Velg Training’s quarterly online magazine, Staying Connected in VET eZine has been published. The full-colour publication is a great read, which will take you through the next few months of changes to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Articles to the themes of Educate, Inspire and Empower. Share why you love the VET eZine on social media for your chance to WIN a $200 Visa Voucher from Velg Training! Read the eZine Find our ad on page 23!

PD series for SA RTOs

The Department of State Development is subsidising a professional development (PD) series to enhance business capability, to be delivered by ACPET and facilitated by Wendy Perry and Peter Schultz. The objectives of this series are to:
  • build business capacity, resilience and sustainability of RTOs for a stable, quality VET sector;
  • support RTOs in meeting high quality standards in meeting industry and student needs;
  • support state productivity; and
  • build effective and ethical industry partnerships and competitiveness.
Find out more

VOCEDplus webinar

VOCEDplus is being updated, new features and functionality will include:
  • guided search;
  • expert search;
  • glossary search functionality; and
  • conference collection.
NCVER are hosting a complimentary webinar to learn tips and techniques for using the new VOCEDplus features and functions effectively. A refresher on accessing current and past research, including NCVER publications, landmark reports, and grey literature will also be included. Thursday 21 May 2:00pm – 3:00pm CST Register now

Attending the WA Training Providers Forum?

We look forward to seeing you there! Come say ‘Hi’ to Andrea and Tony, you will find us at booth 36. We hope you enjoy the forum, please be in contact if you are interested in seeing any particular products on the day, we are happy to arrange this for you. Contact Andrea (08) 8275 9342, Tony (08) 8275 9352
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