November 22 2018 – Business Services Release 3 now available

BSB Business Services Release 3 now available

The Business Services Training Package (Release 3.0) is now available for purchase. There have been changes to qualifications and to individual units.

Call customer service on 08 8275 9333 to receive a free trainer/ assessor manual to support participant guides ordered before December 21st.


BSB42518Certificate IV in Small Business Management
BSB42618Certificate IV in New Small Business
BSB50618Diploma of Human Resources Management
BSB51918Diploma of Leadership and Management

Units of competency

BSBFIA412Report on Financial Activity
BSBITA411Design and develop relational databases
BSBITB511Establish and maintain a network of digital devices
BSBITS411Maintain and implement digital technology
BSBITU111Operate a personal digital device
BSBITU112Develop keyboard skills
BSBITU211Produce digital text documents
BSBITU212Create and use spreadsheets
BSBITU213Use digital technologies to communicate remotely
BSBITU311Use simple relational databases
BSBITU312Create electronic presentations
BSBITU313Design and produce digital text documents
BSBITU314Design and produce spreadsheets
BSBITU315Purchase goods and services online
BSBITU422Use digital technologies to collaborate in the workplace
BSBLDR511Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBLDR513Communicate with influence
BSBSMB420Evaluate and develop small business operations
BSBSMB421Manage small business finances
BSBSMB423Create a digital technology plan for small business
BSBWRK520Manage employee relations
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