New BSB Advanced Diploma resources are now available

We have released 12 units of competency (at $19 per resource) to cover the Advanced Diploma of Business, Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) and Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management.

Resources are available online or in print for flexible delivery.

The Advanced Diploma textbook

The Advanced Diploma Business + Management (HR) + Leadership textbook covering all 12 units of competency in one resource, is still available.

The textbook is supported by online assessments, which are accessed through Catapult eLearning.

Price for the textbook and assessments:

  • $99 for textbook only
  • $165 for textbook and online assessments

Advanced Diploma qualifications available for purchase:

BSB60215Advanced Diploma of Business
BSB60915Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
BSB61015Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Units of competency available for purchase:

BSBFIM601Manage finances
BSBINN601Lead and manage organisational change
BSBDIV601Develop and implement diversity policy
BSBMGT605Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBMGT608Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBMGT615Contribute to organisation development
BSBMGT616Develop and implement strategic plans
BSBMGT617Develop and implement a business plan
BSBMKG609Develop a marketing plan
BSBSUS501Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
BSBHRM602Manage human resources strategic planning
BSBRSK501Manage risk

To find out more about our training resources,
please call smallprint on 08 8275 9333 or Catapult eLearning on 08 8275 9380