February 18 2015 – smallprint February 2015 newsletter

NEW self-directed Professional Development resources

Our New PD resources are intended for self-directed study to refresh and improve skills for the workplace. Learning content is provided in topic chapters, with questions posed at the end of each chapter to reflect on learning. 92 titles available across 18 themes, Wire-bound books can be printed in colour ($12 to $27) or black and white ($8 to $18), prices are GST inclusive. Request a sample Please call us on (08) 8275 9333 to find out more.

Supporting your funded training across Australia

Are you receiving government funding for your training? Our library includes resources to support hundreds of qualifications that are eligible for funding. See what funded resources are available in your state:
  • NSW – 115 qualifications
  • QLD – 74 qualifications
  • SA – 98 qualifications
  • VIC – 187 qualifications
  • WA – 34 qualifications

Blog post: Top Tips for developing your Training and Assessment Strategy

Following on from last month’s topic, Integrating resources into an RTO’s Training & Assessment Strategy, this month we have posted Top Tips to help you in the development of a Training and Assessment Strategy. Read blog now Contribute to the discussion on our LinkedIn page

Training complaints hotline launched

The Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, launched the National Training Complaints Hotline on 20 January 2015. The new hotline allows VET students to bring their concerns to the attention of regulators. Register a complaint by calling 13 38 73, Monday–Friday, 8am to 6pm. Email: skilling@education.gov.au

Review of Training Packages and Accredited Courses

The Review of Training Packages and Accredited Courses discussion paper was released for consultation on 31 October 2014. Consultation closes 18 February 2015, feedback can be submitted online or via email. Feedback can also be provided through the VET Reform LinkedIn Group.

WA TAC RTO new standards information sessions

TAC will be conducting half-day information sessions throughout WA in February. These sessions aim to guide RTOs through the process of transition to the new Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. The sessions will provide an overview of the new requirements, introduce some of the changes to TAC’s regulatory approach and examine in greater detail some specific areas of the Standards that have been raised by WA RTOs. Bookings are essential, register online now.

Victorian VET funding review

Former TDA chair, Bruce Mackenzie will head an independent review of funding of Victoria’s vocational education and training (VET) system. The aim of the review is to ensure all training providers were supported through a more sustainable funding model. Students, parents, employers, training providers and other stakeholders will be sought for input over coming weeks. An interim report will be delivered within 100 days of commencement, with the final report due later this year. View media release

FNS continuous improvement

IBSA has released draft updates to the FNS training package. Updates include the development of new units of competency and a Skill Set to address current gaps and build capability within the areas of:
  • Personal Injury Management (PM)
  • Personal Trust Administration (PRT)
  • Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)
  • Superannuation – Post Retirement
Drafts are open for feedback until 11 March 2015. A webinar will take place on Tuesday 10 March 2015, register your interest to Alison.sweet@fapstc.org.au.

CHC/ HLT consultation

CSHISC has opened consultation for updates to the Community Services and Heath training package. Comments can be submitted through the new online portal. Updates have been made to skill sets and units of competency for:
  • Pastoral Care
  • Oral Health
  • Health Professional Support
Public consultation opened on 2 February 2015 and will close on 28 February 2015. Instructions to use the portal are available for download, please direct any questions about using the portal to cip@cshisc.com.au

VET funding report released

The Workplace Research Centre at the University of Sydney has released a report titled ‘The capture of public wealth by the for-profit VET sector’. The report shows market-driven reforms to vocational education and training (VET) have led to reductions in government spending per hour of VET delivery and a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to private training providers The report ends with final comments which suggest changes to the VET sector to better implement Skills Reform. The report can be downloaded from the VOCED research database.

Apprentice and Trainee estimates

NCVER has released the early trend estimates for apprentice and trainee commencements for the December 2014 quarter. The report shows the number of people starting trade and non-trade apprenticeships and traineeships has increased, suggesting an end to the recent series of declines. Download a copy of the report

AVETMISS data submission

The submission window is now open for AVETMISS VET activity data reporting. 27 February 2015 deadline for reporting your 2014 accredited training activity to NCVER. NCVER has developed factsheets that set out where, when and how to report AVETMISS data. NCVER’s Client Support team on 08 8230 8400 or 1800 649 452 or support@ncver.edu.au for further assistance
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