September 16 2014 – smallprint September 2014 newsletter

Basic Education resources for Foundation Skills training

Our NEW Basic Education resources cover a range of units of competency and qualifications relevant to the Foundation Skills Training Package and various state based qualifications. Funding is available for various foundation skills qualifications in NSW, QLD, VIC, SA and WA. View a list of the qualifications supported by our Basic Education Resources View a list of the units of competency supported by our Basic Education Resources

Have you seen our NEW Assessment Model?

Our NEW assessment model resources are currently available for purchase. We have received great feedback from many clients, with these resources now being used to support quality training across Australia. We have a range of tools to help you get acquainted with the new assessment model:

Vocational Education and Advisory Board

In efforts to strengthen the links between industry and the skills sector the Australian Government has appointed a five-member Minister’s Vocational Educational and Training Advisory Board. The board will provide advice to the Minister for Industry regarding priorities for reforming the vocational education and training sector. The Board is comprised of:
  • John Hart (Chair) – Chief Executive of Restaurant and Catering Australia and a member of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council
  • Patrick McKendry (Deputy Chair) – CEO Careers Australia Group and former Chairman of the National Quality Council and TVET Australia
  • Tara Diamond – Executive Director, Industry Services at the Australian Mines & Metals Association
  • Dominique Fisher – Executive Chairman and Managing Director of CareerLounge
  • Jodie Hughson – Manager for Quality, Learning and Workplace Development for Anglicare, Southern Queensland
Further information

CS&HISC Environmental Scan

The Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC) are inviting industry stakeholders to provide input into the EScan 2015. Submissions are being taken through an online survey and semi-structured written templates. Find out more

AQF council disbanded

The Australian Qualifications Framework Council which is responsible for the governance of the Australian Qualifications Framework has been disbanded. The residual functions of the Council will be transferred to the Department of Education. View article

We are proud to have posted our first smallprint blog

The first of our monthly topics is ‘What are assessment support materials?‘ We also invite you to join the conversation on our company LinkedIn page. The topic this month is ‘What assessment resources do you use to support your training?’, and ‘What assessment tools do you use to support your training?’

Unique Student Identifier

On Thursday 19 June 2014, the Student Identifiers Bill 2014 successfully passed through the Australian Senate. The USI (Unique Student Identifier) scheme will now commence on 1 January 2015. From 1 January students will be able to apply for their unique number and training providers will be supplying updated information to the national vocational education and training (VET) data collection. Transcripts of the data collected will be available in 2016. Click here to find out more

Indigenous Training Strategy

The QLD 2014-15 Indigenous Training Strategy Funding Applications – Round 1 are now open. The Indigenous Training Strategy encourages equitable participation in training by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve improved employment and economic outcomes. Eligible organisations are funded to deliver regional and community-based training projects that demonstrate a high likelihood of achieving meaningful and long-term employment and training outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants. Click here to find out more

It was great to see you during Conference season!

The past month has flown by with our team busy on the road. We exhibited at the ACPET, TDA and Velg national conferences. The conferences were a fantastic opportunity to present our new brands and products, which were well received. Our CEO, Craig attended ACPET and Velg as a delegate and returned to the office with some fresh ideas and insights. Did you stop by our booth for a catch up? Please contact us if you would like any further information.
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