November 13 2014 – smallprint November 2014 newsletter

Blog Post # 3 – Validating Assessments

This month’s blog covers the who, what, when and why of assessment validation. We would love to hear your thoughts on the topic, please continue the discussion on our company LinkedIn page.

Basic Education Webinar – information on Foundation Skills

Our YouTube Channel hosts recordings of our latest webinars and tutorials. Check out our new recording of the information session for Basic Education Resources for foundation skills training.

New Standards for registered training providers and regulators

New regulatory Standards for training providers and regulators were agreed upon at the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Industry and Skills Council meeting on 26 September 2014. The new Standards represent another important step towards an effective risk-based regulatory system and introduce important changes that strengthen industry engagement, improve the quality of training and reduce the regulatory burden on training providers. The new Standards will come into effect from 1 January 2015. Download the new Standards and find out more

Training Packages Discussion Papers

The Minister for Industry, the Hon Ian Macfarlane MP released two discussion papers for consultation on 31 October 2014. View media release. Industry Engagement in Training Package Development – Towards a Contestable Model Discussion Paper Review of Training Packages and Accredited Courses Discussion Paper The period for providing submissions will be open from 31 October to 24 December 2014.

ASQA Annual Report 2013-14

ASQA’s latest annual report reveals the areas RTOs are commonly failing in compliance. Standard 15 raises the most cause for concern, with almost three-quarters of RTOs non-compliant on initial audit, even after rectification 21% still remained non-compliant. View report here

IBSA Small Business Review

IBSA is currently conducting surveys to aid the review of small business qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. This project focuses on updating and enhancing the existing small business units, skill sets and qualifications as well as identifying how to add value to the current options, especially for existing businesses. Find out more

Skills for All – Strategic Employment Fund applications open

The Strategic Employment Fund (SEF) is an initiative of the Skills for Jobs in Regions Program, funding employment projects to connect job seekers to employers who are prepared to commit to providing jobs. The program aims to assist approximately 900 job seekers throughout 2014-15. First round applications to become a preferred provider are now open to 5 December 2014.

External evaluation of Skills for All now underway

An external evaluation of SA’s Skills for All initiative is currently  underway and will be completed by 31 December. The review will cover costs, efficiency, impact and progress of Skills for All objectives. Aiming for outcomes that are practical and streamlined, to meet the needs of students and industry while delivering stability to the sector. View more information

QLD training funding to boost trade workforce

The QLD government has allocated $12 million to two new programs to skill workers for priority trades, address skills shortages & boost the economy. Applications for both programs close on 17 November 2014. Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training Industry Pre-apprenticeship Program

Christmas closure

Our last day of business will be Wednesday 24 December, returning to work on Monday 5 January.
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