Resources to support streamlined TAE are now available for purchase

We have released 18 units of competency. 15 of these units support the delivery of Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

The units are available online or in print for flexible delivery.

Are you adding TAE to scope?

Learn more about our registration resources here.

Streamlined TAE units that we offer:


TAEASS401Plan assessment activities and processes
TAEASS402Assess competence
TAEASS403Participate in assessment validation
TAEASS502Design and develop assessment tools
TAEDEL401Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
TAEDEL402Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
TAEDES401Design and develop learning programs
TAEDES402Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
TAELLN411Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills


TAEASS301Contribute to assessment
TAEDEL301Provide work skill instruction
TAEDEL403Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning
TAEDEL404Mentor in the workplace
TAEDEL501Facilitate e-learning
TAETAS401Maintain training and assessment information


TAELLN501Support the development of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
TAESUS501Analyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs
TAESUS502Identify and apply current sustainability education principles and practice to learning programs

Need to know more about streamlining?

We have a range of support materials that can help you understand streamlining and how it affects your resources. Watch our Snapshot Webinar on streamlining or read our blog post on Streamlined training packages – what does it mean?.

If you have any questions about streamlining or our resources, please call smallprint on 08 8275 9333 or Catapult eLearning on 08 8275 9380