January 22 2015 – smallprint January 2015 newsletter

Introducing our NEW self-guided Professional Development resources

Our New PD resources are intended for self-guided study to refresh and improve skills for the workplace. Learning content is provided in topic chapters, with questions posed at the end of each chapter to reflect on learning. 92 titles available across 18 themes, Wire-bound books can be printed in colour ($12 to $27) or black and white ($8 to $18), prices are GST inclusive. Request a sample Please call us on (08) 8275 9333 to find out more.

Blog post: Integrating resources into a training and assessment strategy

A training and assessment strategy is a vital resource to aid the delivery of quality and consistent training, learn more about integrating training resources into your strategy. Read blog now Contribute to the discussion on our LinkedIn page

Skills for All updated schedule

The Traineeship and Apprenticeship Pathways Schedule (TAPS) has been updated. 71 replacement apprenticeship or traineeship pathways with qualifications from a range of training packages have been added. 235 pathways with no demand were also removed. View the schedule More traineeship and apprenticeship information at skills.sa.gov.au

VET reform consultations

The Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham launched the National Consultations on VET Reform in Melbourne, Thursday, 15 January 2015. The Taskforce aims to discuss & gather feedback on:
  • priorities for VET Reform in 2015
  • The Review of Training Packages Accredited Courses.
For further information visit the Stakeholder Engagement page

Senate inquiry into Vocational Education and Training

The Education and Employment References Committee will act on a Senate referral for inquiry into the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia. The inquiry and report is to be completed by 10 August 2015. Submissions are now open and should be received by 13 February 2015. The committee will table interim reports to the Senate on 2 March 2015 and 15 June 2015.

VET FEE-HELP formal inquiry

Senator Carr and Ms Bird reported last week that they have received advice that the Auditor-General has requested that a performance audit of VET FEE-HELP be included in the Australian National Audit Office’s (ANAO) 2015-2016 work program. The investigation was prompted by a letter to the Auditor-General last November following media, industry and ASQA reports on unscrupulous behaviour and the misuse of VET FEE-HELP in the VET sector.

Changes to the Ministry

On 21 December 2014 Tony Abbott PM announced changes to the ministry, moving the responsibility of skills and training to the Education portfolio. The Hon Christopher Pyne MP is now in the role of Minister for Education and Training, with Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham promoted into the position of Assistant Minister for Education and Training. The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP will assume the title of Minister for Industry and Science. View media release

The Industry Skills Fund – Growth Stream

The Industry Skills Fund – Growth Stream (the Fund) assists industry to invest in training and support services and to develop innovative training solutions. Funding is available for individual businesses or consortiums in: Skills Advice: Help identifying skills opportunities and maximising training outcomes. Training Grant: Co-investment for businesses to improve the skills of their workforce for an identified growth opportunity. Applications opened on 19 January 2015, find out more.

‘No Frills’ calls for conference papers

NCVER is seeking presentations covering the 3 key areas vital to developing the VET system and meeting future skills demand: Youth: engaging, inspiring and supporting students to realise their potential Pathways: transitioning through education and training into the workforce Skills: working with industry and employers to improve education and training Submissions due by 16 Feb 2015 Find out more

Retitling of Vocational Graduate Dip and Vocational Graduate Cert

Full implementation of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) came into effect from 1 January 2015. This required the term ‘Vocational’ be omitted from the Vocational Graduate Certificate (VGC) and Vocational Graduate Diploma (VGD). 39 Vocational Graduate Diplomas and Vocational Graduate Certificates titles have been updated; no changes to the qualification codes or content were made.

AVETMISS data submission

The submission window is now open for AVETMISS VET activity data reporting. 27 February 2015 deadline for reporting your 2014 accredited training activity to NCVER. NCVER has developed factsheets that set out where, when and how to report AVETMISS data. NCVER’s Client Support team on 08 8230 8400 or 1800 649 452 or support@ncver.edu.au for further assistance
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